Recent progress in addressing money laundering and terrorist financing in the Eurasian region

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Plenary meeting of the Eurasian Group (EAG)

The FATF participated in the discussions at the EAG Plenary meeting, which was held in Moscow, Russia on 22-25 May, 2012.

New observers to the EAG

The EAG welcomed France and Mongolia as observers. France is a member of the FATF,  and Mongolia is a member of the FATF Style regional body, the Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG).

The EAG also welcomed the Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units as an observer. The Egmont Group is also an observer to the FATF.

Follow-up to Mutual Evaluation Reports

The EAG discussed the progress made by Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan since the adoption of their Mutual Evaluations. Each country has made some progress in addressing the deficiencies in their mutual evaluation and will provide another follow-up report at the next Plenary meeting of the EAG. The EAG Plenary expressed hope that Kyrgyzstan will succeed in adopting its draft legislation before the next Plenary meeting.

Update on FATF activities

The FATF provided an update on recent FATF developments, such as the renewal of the mandate, the adoption of the new FATF Recommendations and the ongoing work to develop the methodology to assess compliance with the new FATF Recommendations.

EAG Consultative Forum

The FATF gave an overview of the most important changes in the FATF Recommendations to participants of the EAG Consultative Forum with Private Sector, which took place on 22 May. This was an opportunity to provide the private sector participants with more detailed information about how the revised Recommendations would affect their relevant sector(s).